
LandsatLook Viewer - új szolgáltatás 3 millió Landsat felvétel könnyebb elérhetősége érdekében

John Faundeen (USGS) osztotta meg a következő közérdekű hírt:
July 23, 2012 - USGS Rolls Out New LandsatLook Viewer
In honor of this, the 40th Anniversary of the Landsat 1 launch, and in preparation for Landsat 8 in February 2013, the USGS has rolled out a prototype viewer that allows easy access to the over 3 million scenes in the Landsat archive. Find out more about the LandsatLook Viewer. Go to theLandsatLook Viewer"


GSDI 2012. júliusi hírlevelei

Minapi postánkból. Prof. Harlan Onsrud küldte meg a GSDI, a Globális Téradat Infrastruktúra szervezet legfrissebb hírlevelét.
Congratulations to the editors of the SDI-Latin America and Caribbean Newsletter! This is their 100th continuous monthly edition!
The SDI Regional Newsletters for July 2012 are now posted on the GSDI home page at http://www.gsdi.org
You may also download them directly as follows:
SDI-Latin America and Caribbean Newsletter - 100th Edition
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=1092                   (Spanish)
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=1091                   (English)
still forthcoming                                                (Portuguese)
SDI-Africa Newsletter
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=1089                   (English)
SDI-Asia Pacific Newsletter
http://memberservices.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=1093                   (English)
Chinese translations of the newsletter are posted as they arrive and may be downloaded at http://www.gsdi.org/newsletters.php
Past and current SDI Regional newsletters are also accessible in the archives at
Also posted here are the the Newsletters from related assocations:
- FGDC (USA Federal Geographic Data Committee)
- EuroGeographics (European association repr. mapping, land registry, cadastral agencies)
- EUROGI (European association representing broad geo-spatial community).
- GSDI Newsletter, offering news on the GSDI Association activities, occassional publication.
- EIS Africa, Environmental Information in Africa
- SALB, Second Administrative Level Boundaries
Please forward the newsletters to others that may be interested.
If you want to be kept up to date on announcements in your region of the world throughout the month or want to contribute announcements to others in your region, subscribe to the appropriate SDI discussion lists at http://www.gsdi.org/discussionlists.php
Among the several discussion list offerings include:
SDI-Africa Discussion List
SDI-AP (Asia-Pacific) Discussion List
SDI-LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) Discussion List
If a friend or colleague would like to sign up for the GSDI News List,
direct them to http://www.gsdi.org/
To unsubscribe/change profile:
To subscribe:
Our address:
c/o Onsrud | 5711 Boardman Hall, Univ. of Maine  | Orono, Maine 04473

EUROGI 2012. május-júniusi körlevele

Mai postánkból. Catharina Bams, az EUROGI főtitikára írta:
"Dear EUROGI Member,

The EUROGI Newsletter nr 3 (May-June 2012) and also the EUROGI Conference flyer are now on-line available:
Both the newsletter and flyer can be distributed at your convenience when organizing or attending a conference, workshop etc…
This is already an invitation to contribute to the next edition of the EUROGI Newsletter: July-August 2012.
Please send me your contribution if you would like to announce an event, report on the activities of your organization…..the latest by 27/08/2012.
I encourage you to also send pictures and/or links to videos.
Kind regards
Catharina Bamps, Secretary General 
Tagjainkat bátorítjuk arra, hogy európai szintű érdeklődésre számot tartó eseményeikről közvetlenül, vagy a HUNAGI-n keresztűl adjanak híranyagot az EUROGI Hírlevél számára.
EUROGI organizes the first edition of the  ‘ImaGIne Opportunities Everywhere!’ Conference
7th - 8th March 2013, Dublin National Convention Centre, Ireland"