
Megjelent a GSDI Hírlevél decemberi száma

Mai postánkból: Prof. Dr. Harlan Onsrud ügyvezető igazgató megküldte a szervezet ehavi hírlevelét: " Monthly News from the GSDI Association and the International Geospatial Society December 2011 This monthly news update is an exclusive benefit for members of the GSDI Association and members of the International Geospatial Society.

*Global Geospatial Conference 2012 (GGC 2012) Update* GGC 2012 combines the GSDI 13 World Conference, the 14th GEOIDE Annual Scientific Conference, the 7th 3D GeoInfo Conference and the Canadian Geomatics Conference 2012. The conference theme is "Spatially Enabling Government, Industry, and Citizens." Five workshops have been scheduled for the conference, with tentative titles as follows: - Towards a Harmonized Licensing Framework for Geographic Data (GSDI Legal & Socioeconomic Committee) - SDI Best Practices in the Developing World (GSDI Societal Impacts Committee) - Technical Challenges and Solutions in Building Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI Technical Committee) - Lessons Learned from Implementing SDIs (Organized by Esri) - Achieving Technology Innovation in the Geospatial Industry (Organized by Tecterra) Many GSDI Association members also submitted abstracts or full papers for consideration by the paper review and selection committee, by the extended submission date of 22 November. Visit the GGC 2012 web site at http://www.gsdi.org/gsdi13 for the latest news. While we are still many months away from the May conference, the registration site should open soon for early registration. *Small Grants Program Awards 2012 Update* The GSDI Association Small Grants Program for the year 2011-12 provides awards for $2500 USD in cash and/or contributed volunteer professional services for the winning projects. A total of 35 proposals were received from all regions, which are being reviewed by a panel of experts. The awards will be announced in February 2012 and posted on the Small Grants web page - http://www.gsdi.org/sic1 - and in the Newsletter. Successful proposals should lead to national or sub-national activities that foster partnerships, develop in-country technical capacity, improve data compatibility and access, and increase political support for spatial data infrastructure or earth observations application development. Folytatáshoz klikk a további bejegyzésekre! 

GSDI COMMITTEE NEWS GSDI Standing Committees recommend programs of action to the GSDI Council and Board and carry out specific tasks as set out in the GSDI bylaws or as requested by the Council or the Board. Individuals interested in contributing to the work of committees should contact the committee chairs, via the GSDI Committees web site at http://www.gsdi.org/standingcomm. All current Committee members are encouraged to send their news to the Editor (ral@alum.mit.edu) for including in future issues of the monthly Newsletter. *Outreach & Membership Committee News* Committee Chair, Steven Ramage, was an invited guest at the spatial@gov 2011 Conference and Exhibition in Canberra, Australia, 15-17 November. Steven presented the role of open standards relevant to some programs where GSDI members are also involved, notably the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and highlighted some very useful work done on a regional SDI in Western Australia called SLIP - Shared Land Information Platform. There is renewed emphasis on the SDI work in Australia with some strong collaboration between Australia and New Zealand through a number of bodies, including ANZLIC. Committee vice-Chair for Communications, Roger Longhorn, attended an INSPIRE Thematic Working Group (TWG) workshop at the EC's DG Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, on 23-25 November. Roger is a member of the TWG on "Area Management / restrictions / regulation zones and reporting units", one of the 25 geospatial data themes for which the pan-European SDI (INSPIRE) data specifications are being produced. Roger also presented this work, and the results of the CoastGIS 2011 conference which included sessions on Marine/Coastal SDI, to the EUCC - Coastal & Marine Union - Executive Committee in Leiden, NL, on 14 November, and conducted lectures on Communicating Science to the Public at the UNESCO IOC Ocean Teacher Academy in Oostende, Belgium, on 16-17 November. Both Steven and Roger are active on the GSDI LinkedIn Group, plus other SDI and NSDI groups that have now been formed on LinkedIn. We encourage GSDI Association members and others to join the GSDI LinkedIn Group and contribute to the discussions. Steven created the "IGS - International Geospatial Society" sub-group under the GSDI Group (see below). IGS members can subscribe to this 'members only' group by following the instructions in the IGS section below. *Legal and Socioeconomic Committee* The L&SE Committee will conduct a workshop at the GSDI-13 Conference titled "Towards a Harmonized Licensing Framework for Geographic Data". The workshop abstract says: "During its meeting at the GSDI 12 conference in Singapore in October 2010, the L&SE Working Group of the GSDI Association felt that the possibilities for a global licensing model for geographic data needed to be examined. The Group believes that the differences between national traditions and practices with regard to licensing might be smaller than generally assumed, entailing that efforts to harmonise these traditions and practices are worthwhile. The task of looking for harmonisation of licence models was taken up in 2011. The Group collected existing material on (national and international) licensing frameworks, compared the key components thereof and categorized them in a number of 'common denominator' groups. The next step is, based on these categories, to develop a framework of several types of licences that could be used globally and will increase transparency of the conditions for obtaining and using geographic data. In the workshop opportunities will be explored of types of licences that can serve as a basis for a global set of model licences." *Societal Impacts Committee* Committee Chair Carmele Terborgh (Esri Global Affairs and UN Account Manager) attended the High Level Forum on Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM), held in Seoul, Korea, from 24-26 October, on which we reported in the November News. She also spoke at the Thematic Seminar "Integrating Statistical and Geospatial Information: Issues and Challenges" on 27 October. A major on-going activity of the Committee is managing the GSDI Association Small Grants Awards. Information on winners of prior year Small Grants Awards and their projects can be found at http://www.gsdi.org/sic1. One of the winning proposals in 2010-2011 was from the Information Network Security Agency (INSA - ethiogmcn.insa.gov.et) in Ethiopia, or the Geospatial Metadata Clearinghouse Node (GMCN) project. The system was launched officially on 4 August 2011 in the presence of eight stakeholders, who attended for training supported by the grant funds. They were briefed on concepts of metadata and benefits of creating, keeping and sharing metadata. Practical training was also given and a discussion was held on how to work together and on what should be done to sustainably use the system. A report (download from http://memberservices.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=912) by Temesgen Alemayehu, INSA GMCN Project Manager, gives a summary on what was done on the project. ======================================== 
THE INTERNATIONAL GEOSPATIAL SOCIETY (IGS) The International Geospatial Society (IGS) is the individual membership arm of the GSDI Association whose members have geospatial, SDI, GIS or related professional or specialist interests. The Society enhances communications globally among individuals that are actively involved in promoting, developing, or advancing spatial data infrastructure and related concepts. The IGS web site is at http://www.igeoss.org. *LinkedIn Group for IGS Members* In November, Steven Ramage, GSDI Outreach & Membership Committee Chair, created a sub-group for IGS under the parent GSDI Group on the LinkedIn professional network - www.linkedin.com. In LinkedIn, you must be a member of a parent group to join one of its subgroups. If you are not already a LinkedIn member, then go to their web site and join LinkedIn. It is free and opens up access to thousands of professionals in your discipline, globally. Once you are a member, type "IGS - International Geospatial Society" into the 'Groups' search field at the top right-hand corner of the LinkedIn main page. You can then request to join both the parent GSDI group and the IGS sub-group at the same time by clicking the Join Group button. If you are already a member of the GSDI group, then you can request to join from the Subgroups page by clicking "Groups" at the top of your home page. Then click the parent group's name (GSDI). Under the "More" dropdown menu, select Subgroups. The click "Join this subgroup." You can view the status of your membership from the Your Groups page at http://www.linkedin.com/myGroups. This new group creates a new means to improve the communication in the society, providing an exclusive space for social networking. Also, due to the diversity of languages among the members of IGS, the possibility of using the subgroup in other languages besides English has been considered. Please consider joining both the GSDI group and the IGS sub-group at your earliest convenience. LinkedIn is proving to be one of the most successful and popular social networks by which professionals from all walks of life maintain contact with one another. *News from IGS Members* IGS vice-President, Lilia Arias, Director of Technological Innovation at GRODCO Corporate Group, Colombia, reports that the following research and development topics were reviewed and documented: o The Use of Cloud Computing in the Colombian Geospatial Context, explains a proposal to build an SDI taking into account national policies, using the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) of cloud computing, as well as the types of services, advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing and the use of the open source software to do this. A paper is in process of being developed to be presented to the GSDI-13 conference organizing committee. o Background and current actions of GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) programs in order to support the implementation of Earth Observation (EO) programs and applications in Colombia, considering the importance of promoting SDI implementation for society, private sector and the main goals of the government. Also, a document (in Spanish) was uploaded in the GIKNET platform which documents the main components of geographical information management and several projects that implement the philosophy of SDI since an integral perspective of management, indicators, regional impact and applications. This document is in Spanish in order to summarize SDI practical actions for Latin-American members of IGS. *IGS Publicity* IGS released a new flyer, which includes the following topics: Why should I join? Contribute to and benefit from growing global knowledge networks developed by and for the discipline. Develop Partnerships. Support Developing Nation Initiatives and Markets. Help build recommendations on SDI Best Practices. Be affiliated with an organization with established global recognition and resources. Participate in the regular GSDI World Conferences. Grow professionally and personally. How much are the fees? How do I join? Special provision for members from low and very low income nations. The flyer is available now in English and Spanish from the IGS web site (click on 'Join' in the Primary links menu, then download your language preference from "Check out the Benefits of Joining"). We would like the flyer to be released also in other languages in order to distribute the IGS message on a global scale. Offers from IGS Members for translating the flyer into other languages are very welcome! For those who can help with translation of the flyer into other languages, please contact the IGS members at: http://www.igeoss.org/node/3. *IGS Reminders* Remember that individuals in low and very low income nations can apply to join the International Geospatial Society (IGS) by providing specific information of value to the global community in lieu of annual cash dues. The listing of low and very-low income nations may be found at http://www.gsdi.org/RankingTable.To join for free, simply add your professional profile to the growing interconnected network of geospatial specialists across the globe on the Geographic Information Knowledge Network (GIKNet) at http://giknet.org and then apply for membership in IGS at http://www.igeoss.org/join. To maintain your free membership, simply update your professional profile each year on or about December or January. You have the ability to view, edit, or delete your individual profile at any time. IGS Members - submit your news, please, so that we can learn more about what our membership is doing! There are nearly 200 of you out there now, so please communicate with us. News can be sent by e-mail either to the IGS officers - President Mabel Alvarez or vice-President Lilia Patricia Aria, who can be contacted via the IGS web site - or directly to me, Roger Longhorn, Editor GSDI & IGS Monthly News at roger (a) alum.mit.edu. ======================================== 
THE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE NETWORK (GIKNET) During November, the user interface to the GIKNet was updated, permitting easier delivery of documents to the system. Following the update and final testing, stronger promotion of the GIKNet will begin via various GI/GIS/SDI e-mail lists and the LinkedIn GSDI Group. All members of the GSDI Association and IGS are encouraged to sign up for GIKNetwork and to submit documents relevant to any aspect of SDI development and deployment, globally. The aim of the Geographic Information Knowledge Network (GIKNet) is to enhance communication and freely share knowledge among professionals in the global geographic information community. The GIKNet Community Registry permits individuals, government agencies, NGOs, companies and other institutions to record and publish details about themselves and submit relevant documents to the Spatial Docs Depot. GIKNet information can be searched and accessed via a search facility in the Spatial Docs Depot. A comprehensive list of GI/SDI related discussion lists can be accessed from a single reference page. Access the GIKNet at this link: http://www.giknet.org/. ======================================== PARTICIPATION IN GLOBAL SDI PROJECTS *GGIM Update* The next GSDI and IGS Global News newsletter will contain summaries of interviews from Association members who were and are directly involved in this important and valuable global SDI initiative, which supports so many of the same goals and desired outcomes as those proposed by the GSDI Association from its beginning. We will also feature an interview with Suha Ulgen, Co-chair of the UN Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG) and Senior Advisor on Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) at the United Nations Secretariat. Mr. Ulgen has been directly involved in development of the UNSDI since the beginning of this global initiative and has welcomed and supported participation of the GSDI Association and members in the programme. *GEO/GEOSS* The conference "EuroGEOSS - Advancing the vision for GEOSS" takes place in Madrid, 25-27 January 2012, see http://www.eurogeoss2012.eu for details. The conference provides a forum for developers, users and decision-makers working with advanced multi-disciplinary information systems to improve science and decisions for complex societal issues. Various GSDI Committee members had submitted abstracts for consideration by the 14 November 2011 deadline. The "Workshop on the Socio-Economic Benefits from Use of Earth Observations" was held at the European Commission's DG Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, on 11-13 July 2011. The purpose of the workshop was to identify a program of activities (research agenda) to undertake during 2011-14 to support the development of capabilities internationally to determine, document, and quantify the socioeconomic benefits from Earth observations and their use, including the benefits that can and will be achieved by the Group on Earth Observations (www.earthobservations.org). Several GSDI Association members were present at the workshop and made presentations, which are available at: http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/socioeconomic-benefits-from-the-use-of-earth-observations. The main reports arising from the workshop were Borzacchiello M. T. and M. Craglia (Eds.), 2011, "Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation Report" available from the web at: http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/uploads/SDI/publications/EOBenefitWS_JRCTechReport_final.pdf and Pearlman F. (Ed.) 2011, "Socio-economic benefits from the use of earth observation workshop" available at: http://www.ieee-earth.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Benefits-workshop-report-Oct-22-final.pdf The background position paper for the workshop is available as well at: http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/uploads/SDI/workshop_07_2011/backgroundPaperFinal.pdf. *Eye of Earth Summit - 12-15 December 2011* The vision of "Eye on Earth" was proposed almost ten years ago, when the Abu Dhabi Global Environment Data Initiative (AGEDI - http://www.eyeonearthsummit.org/about-agedi) was announced on 2 September 2002, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a Type II Initiative. The Eye on Earth Summit (www.eyeonearthsummit.org/), to be held on 12-15 December 2011 in Abu Dhabi - is a major milestone in AGEDI's progress. The meeting will feature prominent speakers from the worlds of philanthropy, business, government, data engineering and technology. The agenda and schedule (available from http://www.eyeonearthsummit.org/sites/default/files/111120%20EOE_Chart_Schedule.pdf) were developed with the aid of five Working Groups representing all aspects of the global environmental and social data movements. The European Environment Agency (EEA) are main contributors to the agenda. Former President, Bill Clinton, will be the keynote speaker at the Summit opening. Since Abu Dhabi is the host for the Eye on Earth Summit, there will of course be many representatives from GSDI Member Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre at the event, including a presentation by Abdulkarim Al Raeisi, Executive Manager, Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure (ADSDI), presenting "ADSIC: The Model." GSDI Association Executive Director, Prof. Harlan Onsrud, is moderating the session on "Network of Networks Beyond Information Technology" at which panelists include GSDI Outreach & Membership Committee Chair, Steven Ramage (OGC). Other participants from the GSDI Membership include Esri's President, Jack Dangermond, who is delivering opening and closing keynote presentations. We will have follow up reports from some of the GSDI Members in future issues of the Newsletter. *World Bank - Spatial Data Infrastructure for Millennium Development Goals Project* In September 2011, this World Bank infoDev project published the "Feasibility Study for a National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Jordan", funded by infoDev's Korean Trust Fund on ICT for Development. The report contains a comprehensive summary of all activities related to SDI in Jordan, including practical recommendations and 15 local case studies. The study was executed as a Technical Assistance project by the World Bank Group. Download the report here: www.infodev.org/en/Document.1119.pdf. To learn more about the project, visit the web site at www.infodev.org/en/Article.479.html. *spatial@gov* The spatial@gov 2011 Conference was held on 15 - 17 November 2011 at the National Convention Centre Canberra in Australia., Steven Ramage, OGC Executive Director, Marketing and Communications, and Chair of the GSDI Outreach & Membership Committee presented on 'OGC Web Services Phase 8 and OGC's Role in the Global Earth Observation System of Systems'. Steven also chaired the session on Virtual Australia. The programme can be seen at the following link, and presentations and a conference report are expected shortly - www.cebit.com.au/2011/conferences/spatial-at-gov/program. The spatial@gov web site is an Australian initiative established to provide information on how location based capabilities can benefit all levels of government - visit www.spatial.gov.au. *Other Global Programs* Various GSDI Member organisations, members of the GSDI Association Committees, Council and Board are involved in the many other global initiatives or programmes on an on-going basis: - Group on Earth Observations (GEO) building the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) - see www.earthobservations.org/ag_partorg.shtml - Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) - see www.opengeospatial.org - UNESCO IOC - Marine/Coastal Spatial Data Infrastructure training and development (Ocean Teacher Academy) - visit www.iode.org. - UNSDI - UN-GGIM (Global Geospatial Information Management) - visit ggim.un.org. - UN-SPIDER (United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response) - visit www.un-spider.org. ======================================= 
GSDI DISCUSSION FORUMS UPDATES To see the latest news from the different e-mail forums maintained by the GSDI Committees (4) and the regional SDI Newsletters (5), visit the web site at http://www.gsdi.org/discussionlists, choose the forum of interest and select the 'Archives' option. All discussion lists are open to anyone who is interested in participating, and joining instructions are at the web site above. ====================================== 
For more information on any of these items, visit the GSDI Association web site at www.gsdi.org. GSDI AND IGS GLOBAL NEWS - Monthly News from the GSDI Association and the International Geospatial Society - is published monthly by the GSDI Association, edited by Roger Longhorn, vice-Chair, Communications, of the GSDI Outreach and Membership Committee. The Editor may be contacted at ral@alum.mit.edu. Please feel free to submit news to the Editor, relevant to SDI initiatives at the global level. _______________________________________________ 
GSDI-Council mailing list GSDI-Council@lists.gsdi.org http://lists.gsdi.org/mailman/listinfo/gsdi-council"

Ma érkeztek meg a legújabb regionális GSDI hírlevelek is. Felhívjuk a figyelmet a feliratkozási lehetőségekre:
The SDI Regional Newsletters for December 2011 are now posted on the GSDI home page at http://www.gsdi.org.

You may also download them directly as follows:

SDI-Latin America and Caribbean Newsletter
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=961             (Spanish)
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=960             (English)
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=964             (Portuguese)

SDI-Africa Newsletter
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=963            (English)

SDI-Asia Pacific Newsletter
http://portal.gsdi.org/files/?artifact_id=962            (English)

Chinese translations of the SDI-AP newsletter are posted as they arrive and may be downloaded at http://www.gsdi.org/newsletters#AP

Past and current SDI Regional newsletters are also accessible in the archives at

Also posted here are the SALB Newsletter and EIS-Africa Newsletter and FGDC Newsletter.

Please forward the newsletters to others that may be interested.


If you want to be kept up to date on announcements in your region of the world throughout the month or want to contribute announcements to others in your region, subscribe to the appropriate SDI discussion lists athttp://www.gsdi.org/discussionlists.php

Among the several discussion list offerings include:

SDI-Africa Discussion List

SDI-AP (Asia-Pacific) Discussion List

SDI-LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) Discussion List

If a friend or colleague would like to sign up for the GSDI News List,
direct them to http://www.gsdi.org/

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Our address:
c/o Onsrud | 5711 Boardman Hall, Univ. of Maine  | Orono, Maine 04473
Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com"

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