Mai postából. Wendy Wong (Taylor&Francis kiadócsoport tudomány és technológiai folyóiratainak ügyvezető szerkesztője) ma tette közzé az IJDE szakfolyóírat promóciós felhívását, melyet mint a folyóirat szerkesztőbizottsági tagja oszthatok meg a HUNAGI tagjaival, partnereivel és a blog olvasóival:
"As members of the Editorial board of International Journal of Digital Earth, we would like to make you aware of a current free access incentive in place to help drive citations for IJDE:
Kindly note that the free access will only be granted if the issue is accessed via ijde_sp53 ; attempts to access the journal directly via the Journal’s website will not grant user free access."
"As members of the Editorial board of International Journal of Digital Earth, we would like to make you aware of a current free access incentive in place to help drive citations for IJDE:
· Free Access to the Special Issue entitled “International Journal of Digital Earth Special Issue: China's Earth Observation Satellite Programs for Digital Earth”, Volume 5, Issue 3 ijde_sp53
As members of the editorial board, we hope you will consider passing the attached information on to colleagues and peers that might find these of interest.
Please find attached an IJDE branded email template that you may find of use for the promotion of this free access.
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