
Adatharmonizáció: elkészült és letölthető a HALE 2.5.0 szoftverváltozat

Mai postánkból. Thorsten Reitz, a HUMBOLDT projekt munkatársa írja körlevelében:
Dear data harmonisation community,

It has been a major undertaking, and it brings you an all-new HALE: Our 2.5.0 project is now completed. 
HALE is faster, provides additional functionality, will scale to far bigger datasets and is now available for download. Find out about the updates by reading the What's new page.
The 21 updates made between 2.5.0-RC1 and the final version 2.5.0 are listed on the release page:
Builds are available from the download page:
As usual, please don’t hesitate to contact us and to provide feedback on the software via the message board (http://community.esdi-humboldt.eu/projects/hale/boards) or the mailing list (dev@esdi-humboldt.eu).
Best regards,

Thorsten Reitz

Development and Community Management
Data Harmonisation Panel
Fraunhoferstr. 5 | 64283 Darmstadt | Germany

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