Partnerszervezetünk a MAGISZ részéről, Dr. Rajkai Kálmántól és Dr. Herdon Miklóstól érkezett az alábbi figyelemfelhívás. (Kapacitáljuk tagjainkat és partnereinket, publikálják agrárinformatikai tárgyú térinformatikai, földmegfigyelési eredményeiket. A szakfolyóirat legutóbbi számában a Rieger László és Kemény Gábor 'Complex Agricultural Risk Management System' különösen fontos ebből a szempontból.)
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Journal of Agricultural Informatics mailman/listinfo/jai-l"
"We inform you that the latest issue of the Journal of Agricultural
Informatics ( has been published. The journal
is backed by an international editorial board, the Hungarian Association
of Agricultural Informatics (HAAI) and the European Federation for
Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA).
We hope that the articles find your interest and are looking forward
to receiving your suggestions, and publication interests.
Journal articles of Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
The issue of Vol. 5, No 1 (2014) in PDF.
Papers in the Vol 5, No 1 (2014):
Sotiris Karetsos, Constantina Costopoulou, Alexander Sideridis:
Developing a smartphone app for m-government in agriculture
Ioakeim K. Tzoulis, Zacharoula S. Andreopoulou, Elias Voulgaridis:
Wood Tracking Information Systems To Confront Illegal Logging
Liviu Gaceu, Georgiana Gadei, Bianca Oprea Oana:
Methodology for analyzing EU-conform label information
content of meat products in Romania
content of meat products in Romania
László Rieger, Gábor Kemény:
Complex Agricultural Risk Management System: a new information system
supporting the claim adjustment process in the Hungarian agriculture
supporting the claim adjustment process in the Hungarian agriculture
László Huzsvai, Szilvia Szőke:
Modeling Soil Heat Flux in R
György Hampel, Kinga Dancsházy:
Creating a Virtual Learning Environment
Best regards,
Kálmán Rajkai
(Chair of the Editorial Board)
Miklós Herdon
(President of HAAI)
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Call for Papers
Journal of Agricultural Informatics
Journal of Agricultural Informatics
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